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Text is garbled

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The shortkey text inserted into an application is garbled.

There are two likely possibilities.

  1.  ShortKeys is playing back the text faster than the application can accept it. Here are a couple of suggestions

    –  Open the program and click on Options, Preferences, Playback – Delays tab. Make sure that the “Use ____ microseconds delay between keystrokes” option is selected. Increase the delay between keystrokes. You may need to experiment with the delay to get an optimal speed.

    – Open the program and click on Options, Preferences, Playback – General tab.  Select  the clipboard playback method and save. This will paste the text through the clipboard rather than typing the text letter by letter.

  2. You have duplicate shortkey activations and they are attempting to play back at the same time. This may because you have more than one .shk macro file open at the same time and each file shares the same shortkey activations.