Networking Considerations

ShortKeys can be set up to run over a network with no ill effects. The options to ensure ShortKeys runs smoothly over a network can be accessed via the Options > Network menu command. The following options are found there. 

File Locking of Shortkey Files
Choosing this option basically enables the networking capabilities of ShortKeys. File locking is performed to prevent overwriting of data by 2 or more users. If a user attempts to change any data in the shortkey file and the data they currently display has been altered by another user, the user will be notified that the data has been changed and the new data will be loaded and displayed.



Automatic Synchronization Updating
This option is available to allow automatic updating of the data displayed for a given user. This updating can be set to occur every minute, every two minutes, on up to every 99 minutes.


For example, if the interval is set to 5 minutes and another user makes a change to the same macro file that is currently open, the macro data changes are automatically displayed on the computer within 5 minutes.
When running ShortKeys over a network, use the Command Line Parameters options to prevent users from changing any of the shortkey data. 

üNote: Please note that multi-user networking of this product requires site licensing.