Insert Hyperlink


Use ShortKeys to easily embed hyperlinks into other applications.



Modify Keys > Replacement Text > Insert Hyperlink



Link Text

Insert the text to display as the link.



URL Address

Enter the URL address that the text will link to.





1. After entering the Link Text and URL Address as in the sample image above, click OK to see the following displayed in the ShortKeys Replacement Text field.


<INSERT HYPERLINK:<a href="">Purchase</a>>


2. Add some additional text such as "your copy of ShortKeys now." The Replacement Text field will look like this:


<INSERT HYPERLINK:<a href="">Purchase</a>> your copy of ShortKeys now.


3. When you run the macro the text displays as follows:


Purchase your copy of ShortKeys now.


Clicking on the Purchase link will direct you to the URL Address selected. In this case -