Preformatted Dates


The current date or a date X number of days into the future or past may be included as part of the shortkey replacement text.




Modify Keys > Replacement Text > Date/Time > Preformatted Date


A variety of date formats are available.  In the image above, the left-hand column displays the date formats and the right-hand column shows how the date formats display when running the shortkey.


Scroll to find the format needed.

Highlight that format and click OK to insert into the replacement text.

The Date is inserted to the right of the cursor position in the Replacement Text field.


Use the Custom Date/Time function if the date format needed is not found in the list.

Do not show leading zeros
Select this option to not display leading zeros in the dates. For example, March 9th would display as 3/9 without the leading zeros. Otherwise it would display as 03/09.

Future or Past
Optionally select a date in the future or past to be placed in the macro text. Enter the number of days desired beyond today's date or prior to today's date into the Set input box. This field accepts up to 999 days.